In between all that, I have to fit in friends, special friends and family. Its definately a crazy life, but i love every second of it! Yes, there are many times when I wish that I were in Saipan, just living life simple, but I trust what the good Lord has for me. I'm probably the happiest I've been in a while (away from Saipan) and I'm kinda afraid that its going to end soon. Yes, I do have many problems going on in my life, but I seem to have this peace about it all, that its impossible to be upset! The Lord works in mysterious ways, thats for sure! He's awesome and amazing. Most imporantly, He gives me the peace that only He can give.
I'm happy where I'm at right now. There are only a handful of things that could make my life better, but I've put those in the hands of G-d!
IF you're in Saipan and reading this, know that I think of you all the time and love you more than you know!
Please keep me in your prayers, as I continue trying to follow in the footsteps of the Almighty!